Meet the Team

Meet The Team

The Bathurst Visitor Information Centre team has the diverse backgrounds and skills to provide excellent customer service and to effectively promote the Bathurst region. 

Daniel Cove is the Manager Tourism and Visitor Services, responsible for overseeing the operation of the Visitor Information Centre and the strategic planning for the Bathurst region destination. Dan has been working within the tourism industry since the mid 1990s in a number of roles from tour guide, outdoor recreation instructor to Operations Manager at Jenolan Caves. He has been a board member of Eco-Tourism Australia, Blue Mountains Tourism, the Australasian Cave & Karst Management Association and International Show-Cave Association. He is fascinated by what motivates travel and what modern tourists are looking for in an experience and also retains a keen interest in interpretive guiding and eco-tourism.

Dan has been  at the Bathurst Visitor Information Centre since 2017. He loves the opportunity to promote the Bathurst region and firmly believes that the destination’s best times are in front of us.

Kyle Johnston has worked as a Tourism Services Officer at BVIC since late 2020 after completing a Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management at the University of Queensland and serving an internship with EcoTourism Australia.

Having worked on a wide range of projects within BVIC including development of outdoor activities and information, website development, and the operation of the Japanese home hosting program. Taking over the role of Tourism Marketing Coordinator in late 2023, Kyle is excited to bring his vision to the Bathurst brand.

Kyle has also quickly come to love his new home of Bathurst, and even prefers the climate to his former life in Queensland!

Wendy Grundy is a BVIC veteran, with well over a decade’s experience in helping literally tens of thousands of visitors make the most of their Bathurst experience.

Wendy is often the first face that a new visitor to the region will encounter when they walk in the door of the Visitor Information Centre. She has a profound depth of local knowledge and has been known to work the near-impossible to assist with last minute accommodation please around event times. 

Wendy is also a key BVIC contact for the Bathurst region’s Tourism Industry Partners, and is a familiar face to local businesses as well as a regular voice over the phone checking in on upcoming availability. She plays a key role in ensuring that all BVIC staff are up to date on partner business changes, and organises numerous familiarisation visits to local businesses. She is always checking operator listings on our consumer website as well as making sure that ATDW accommodation listings are accurate and complete. 

Melinda Hadley is the longest serving member of the team, having started with the Bathurst Visitor Information Centre all the way back in 1997! She has seen a lot change over this period, but retains the same enthusiasm for her job and in helping visitors as she did back in the dimmly remembered past of the 1990s…

Mel is the driving organisational force behind the Autumn Colours Heritage Festival, Bathurst’s signature heritage event that has delighted thousands of locals and visitors over the years. She also coordinates the production of the monthly ‘What’s On‘, the essential guide to all events in and around the Bathurst region.

Mel is also responsible for maintaining currency of events information on the destination consumer website and has been key to the integration of our online booking system with tours and events.

Trudey Bailey has over 20 years association with the Bathurst Visitor Information Centre, and is ever-proud to sing the songs of her home town and all its hidden gems.

These days, in addition to helping our visitors to BVIC, Trudey is our social media guru and looks after the content generation and scheduling for our Facebook and Instagram Pages, both of which continue to experience strong growth year on year. 

Trudey also serves, effectively if unofficially, as BVIC’s social coordinator ensuring that we enjoy each other’s company in social as well as work settings and that our annual Christmas Party is always an outing to remember.

Natalie Johnson is one of our newer team members, having started in mid-2022. Also simultaneously studying a Bachelor of Communications at Charles Sturt University, specialising in brand design and marketing.

Nat is to be found behind the front counter at BVIC, sharing her ultra-friendly personality with BVIC’s visitors. But in between visitors she is exercising her creative skills, working up new brochure designs, postcards, posters, banners and generally anything that can help to show off the natural and cultural beauty of the region.