Oil Painting
Oil Painting
This class is aimed at artists experienced in using oil paints. More information and booking details can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/s/6uz26gua7x1chn6/oil%20painting.pdf?dl=0
This class is aimed at artists experienced in using oil paints. More information and booking details can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/s/6uz26gua7x1chn6/oil%20painting.pdf?dl=0
The Bathurst Arts Trail is a collective of artists throughout the Bathurst region who open their galleries and studios to visitors on the first weekend of each month. Our Arts Trail Open Weekends offer a fabulous opportunity to meet all our local artists, to see their works and hear their stories. Our painters, potters, photographers, […]
Exhibition tours hosted by our Gallery Assistants are held every Saturday @ 11
SUNDAY STITCH: Heather Dunn, Experimental Eco-Weaving Learn the basics of the timeless, simple frame loom and create an abstract landscape weaving use found, reclaimed and reused materials in the weft. $30 BRAGS members, $35 non-members, all materials supplied, bookings essential.
Exhibition tours hosted by our Gallery Assistants are held every Saturday @ 11
This class is aimed at artists experienced in using oil paints. More information and booking details can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/s/6uz26gua7x1chn6/oil%20painting.pdf?dl=0
This class is aimed at artists experienced in using oil paints. More information and booking details can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/s/6uz26gua7x1chn6/oil%20painting.pdf?dl=0