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Christmas Services at Bathurst Anglican Cathedral
December 24 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Please come along and celebrate Christmas with us.
Everyone is welcome.
Christmas Eve:
5pm: Family Carols… followed by birthday cake
9pm: Sung Eucharist
Christmas Day:
8.30am: Holy Communion
10am: Family Carols
Joy to the World
We sing it every year, and we hear the familiar words: peace on earth. But as we look around
our world, we might ask, where is the joy, and where is the peace?
The peace that Jesus came to bring was not the end of wars and strife in the world. It is a far
deeper peace—peace with God. This peace comes through the forgiveness of sins, which Jesus
made possible through his death and resurrection.
Because of this peace—a peace that goes beyond our understanding—we can be people of
great joy. When we come to God, say sorry, and receive his forgiveness, we can know that
everything we’ve mucked up in the past has been dealt with and forgiven.
This Christmas, my hope is that you will experience the peace that Jesus came to bring—a
peace that leads to lasting joy.
Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas.
Bishop Mark Calder
17 December 2024